Human Rights Cell

Human Rights Cell

Human Rights Cell
A Human Rights Cell is typically an organizational unit or committee dedicated to addressing, monitoring, and promoting human rights within a specific context, such as an educational institution, a corporate environment, or a governmental organization. The primary purpose of a Human Rights Cell is to ensure that the rights and dignity of individuals are respected and upheld, often through awareness campaigns, advocacy, and the investigation of complaints related to human rights violations.

The vision of the Human Rights Cell is to foster a community where every individual’s inherent dignity and rights are respected, protected, and promoted, creating an inclusive and equitable environment for all.

The mission of the Human Rights Cell is to serve as a dedicated body that upholds the principles of human rights by advocating for justice, equality, and non-discrimination. The Cell is committed to raising awareness about human rights issues, providing education and resources to empower individuals, and actively addressing grievances related to human rights violations.

* To promote Human Rights culture.
* To raise awareness of human rights issues.
* To educate and train the students on Human Rights.
*Empower and encourage students to exercise their rights and responsibilities to the best of their abilities.
*To create sensitivity and enhance the knowledge of human rights among the students in college by organizing various awareness programmes.
*To make our students a good citizen of our country.