Parents Visiting Time

Parents Visiting Time

* Hostel reception room is the only venue for receiving visitors and no visitors will be permitted to enter any other parts of the hostel.
* Students can be taken home at 3.30 pm on the compulsary closure Fridays. They should come back early enough to attend the class on the next working day.
* Parents should sign in the register during the entry and exit.
* Parents can call their wards by telephone between 6.00 pm and 8.00 pm by the mobile number specifically given for them only through the mobile number given by the parents in the application form.
* All telephone calls and letters to the students will be under the surveillance and control of the warden.
* The parents should not come to the hostel to visit their wards other than the specified visiting days.
* No student will be permitted to go home without the parents/guardians presence.
* Parents without hostel ID card will not be permitted to enter the hostel.