T he academic standards and achievements of a college depend on the infrastructure facilities available in the institution.The development and improvement of the infrastructure facilities keeping pace with the changing scenario with its thirst on educational technology in teaching and learning ensure quality education.

Physical Infrastructure

The Institution has adequate physical infrastructure (land and building) that comprises well ventilated class rooms, faculty rooms, sophisticated high-tech computer laboratories,a central library,department libraries,a seminar hall, a language lab , hostel, canteen, play grounds, transportation and temple.

Water And Power Supply

The Institution provides 24 hours water and power supply ensured through generators.


MSN LibraryThe Library, which has been established in the year 1999 located in the B Block. A rich collection of about 10000 volumes of books and Journals, Magazines, periodicals, reports, reference material are available in the library.Various e-contents and e-Resources are available to facilitate e-Learning.

Rules & Regulations Physical Education

Computing Lab

MSN LibraryThe College makes a variety of computing facilities available to its members. There are four computer labs, equipped with scanners and printers.


  • 185 PC’s with Windows 7 and Microsoft Office 2007 Suite
  • 50 Microsoft Windows Office and Windows 8 Operating System Licensed Software
  • 1 PC with scanner
  • 9 Laser printers
  • 2 Dot matrix Printers
  • 4 Three in one
  • 1 Black &White copier

The primary goals of the computer labs and classrooms is to provide assistance to students that will enhance their chances of succeeding in technology-based classroom assignments and to provide access to equipment that will support the needs of instruction where we celebrate life-long learning.The computer labs support the curriculum of the college and the assignments of the instructors. We encourage the students to use these facilities with the help and guidance of the instructors.

Rules and Regulations

  • Great care should be taken in handling the equipments of the laboratory
  • All breakages,damages,losses , etc ., must be reported to the lecturer concern, as soon as they occur, and the cost should be recovered from the student
  • Free access to the internet is available
  • A Language lab is instituted to provide opportunities for practice in extensive and intensive and speaking.

Language Lab

MSN LibraryThe Technology enabled Language Lab to experiment new educational concepts is available for students studying in the English / Tamil Department. This lab enhances instruction in the classroom by providing computer access and exercises in listening, speaking, reading and writing. Exercises are provided by individual instructors.


Our college is fully equipped with round the clock internet facility with a speed of 10 Mbps, in collaboration with BSNL networks(NMEICT). The node facility is available for the entire campus including the hostel.All the Computer Laboratories are connected to the internet through Managable Switches(VLAN).

Mineral Water Plant

MSN LibraryWater is not just an ordinary need to the human beings. It plays a vital role in our life ,hence the institution gives more care towards the provision of safe water to everyone.The college has installed an R.O.plant which can supply 3000 Ltrs/Day of pure and safe drinking water.

The Placement and Career Guidance Cell

This cell of our institution guides,trains and instructs the students about all opportunities and competitive exams.The cell provides training programmes in soft and other skill development.

Placement Cell Transport


A separate hostel building to accomodate 200 students is available. The Dining Hall measuring 1500 sq.ft with 100 seating capacity is available.An ideal hostel must be, in essence, a home away from home. The facilities are so designed as to provide a sense of belonging, security and care as well as a spirit of independence, within reasonable limits.Accommodation is available for 200 girls in the hostels for undergraduate and postgraduate students. The hostels provide a calm and relaxing atmosphere to accelerate the creative talents of the students. The teachers who act as resident wardens of the hostels provide moral and emotional support and guidance to the inmates.



MSN TempleThere is an enchanting temple for Vinayagar in the Northern side of the college campus. The temple has been in existence since 2005.The students and faculty members have always benefitted from the presence of the temple for praying, A Special Prayer on Fridays, celebrating Pongal, conducting Homam and begetting the blessings of the Almighty. The ever-present grace of the Goddess of Learning on this campus has always been felt by all, with gratitude.

Remedial course

Remedial Classes/Test is the best practice of the institution for giving necessary guidance to slow learners.TEACHING is identifying slow learners and giving them the necessary guidance to help them overcome their problems, after identifying their areas of difficulty.

Peer team teaching

To motivate the advanced learners and encourage the slow learners,Peer learning is encouraged.

Faculty Development Programme

Refresher Courses

The Refresher Course is subject-specific and provides opportunities for the serving teachers of colleges and universities to meet their peers in an atmosphere of mutual learning and interaction. The Course is intended to give information about the latest additions to the knowledge base in the subject through experts in various activity-fields. The course also helps the teachers in tackling problems associated with introduction of new courses of study and revision of syllabi, and in finding out the latest trends of research in the concerned subject.

The purpose behind the Refresher Courses is to improve collegiate education through transmission of knowledge gained through such courses to the students. In order to familiarize with the use of Computers in teaching, participants in each Refresher Course are given hands-on training in preparation and presentation of reports, classroom lectures, spreadsheet and graphics, and on internet use as an aid to teaching resource collection, etc.

Type Of Programmes

  • College conducted orientation programme during every academic year.
  • ICT Academy offered Refresher Courses Periodically.
  • Alagappa University opened Refresher Courses and orientation programme

The provision and optimal use of the infrastructure facilities and learning resources available in our institution are the vital factors that ensure the quality of the academic and other aspects of our campus life. Hence, as the college grows from strength to strength, we improve and add our infrastructure facilities.