Assessment of the student will be two – fold, consisting of Continuous Internal Assessment (CIA) and End Semester Examination (ESE). The ratio between CIA and ESE will be 25:75 for theory papers & 40 : 60 for practical papers. ESE will be valued by a panel of external examiners.
1. a. Continuous Internal Assessment (CIA)
The CIA marks shall be awarded based on the following:
UG and PG Course
Best scores of two tests out of three tests | 15 |
Quiz / Seminar | 05 |
Assignment | 05 |
Total | 25 |
Passing minimum is 10
Best scores of two tests out of three tests | 30 |
Record | 05 |
Attendance | 05 |
Total | 40 |
Passing minimum is 16
1. b. Want of CIA Mark
A student who cannot get through in any theory or practical paper for want of CIA marks even though she gets the minimum in the summative examinations, after the completion of the course may be permitted to appear for the summative exam by foregoing the CIA marks provided.
- She has appeared for atleast two internals out of three and
- A maximum of two such appearances in a program. Student not Fulfilling the above conditions has to repeat the semester to getCIA minimum.
2. Attendance
Students having attendance less than 75% (the minimum prescribed) in any course cannot sit for the ESE in that course. If a student has lost her attendance on genuine medical grounds, she can apply for condonation to the Appeals Committee immediately after returning to the college. Appeals Committee’s decision will be final.
- Rs.125/- for attendance less then 75% and up to 65%. If the students application is recommended by the Appeals committee, she can sit for the ESE.
- Rs.250/- for attendance less than 65% and up to 60%. If the students application is recommended by the appeals committee, she can sit for the exam in the next semester as arrear.
- If her attendance is less than 60%, she has to repeat the semester.
- Students can avail exemption on condonation only for two semesters in their course of study in a programme.
The students who are unable to attend CIA (Continuous Internal Assessment) and score the minimum marks on account of genuine medical grounds approved by the Head of the Department and Principal, can appear for a retest after III internals.
A student can sit for the Practical ESE, only if she has a minimum of 75% attendance in that practical paper and at least 2 internals out of three internals (practical). Students not fulfilling this requirement should repeat the semester and earn internal marks in that practical paper.
5. End Semester Examination (ESE)
ESE will be conducted at the end of each semester for a maximum of 75 marks for theory papers & 60 marks for practical papers.
Passing Minimum
For a pass in each paper, the candidate is required to secure a minimum 30 out of 75 in ESE for theory papers & 24 out of 60 in ESE for practical papers.
6. Revaluation
UG students can apply for revaluation with the prescribed revaluation fee for not more than three papers in a semester irrespective of number of papers she has appeared in that semester with in 10 days of publication of results. The revaluation marks will be intimated to the students and the marks original or revalued whichever is greater will be entered in the mark statement. If the difference in marks is more than 15, that paper will be sent for third valuation and the average of the 2 closer marks will be taken as the revaluation marks.
7. Grading
The Consolidated Statement of Grades will, in addition to the GPs and the GPAs for each semester show the CGPA [Cumulative Grade Point Average] for the entire programme and declare the classification of the student’s performance, as per the guidelines of Government of Tamil Nadu. The consolidated statement of Grades will carry all necessary explanations to make it clear to every one to whom it might be presented by the student.

8. Supplementary Exams
Supplementary Exams will be conducted for the final semester alone with in one month of publication of result